July 20, 2010


Murder! a 1930 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock was definitely interesting. It's quite amazing how far our technology has come. The picture was unclear, and the sound quality lacking at times. It was Hitchcock's third talking movie. It's a mystery story, or really a who-dun-it? story. There was only music at the beginning and the end of the film, and often there were awkward silences, but in a world so obsessed with perfect quality, perfect music, perfect people, it was kind of refreshing. It was a short film, only a little over an hour, but it had a quality about it I liked. I love old movies. I love to think how shocked and incredulous such greats as Alfred Hitchcock, Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant, would be if they saw all our IMAX theaters and 3D technology. To watch one of our polished 21st century films. And it makes me long to know what people 80 years from now will think of our movies. If they will smile indulgently on our attempts at life like works, just as we sometimes do. If they'll just view our movies as steps towards truly great works. Old movies, old music, old anything fascinates me, as does anything new. The events of time excite me, to know that what we have achieved is great, and there is greater yet to happen.

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