July 7, 2010

A Cashier Story and High Praise From a Professor

Today was the end of three things that have been major factors in my life these past few weeks.
1. The stupid buy 10 items, get $3 off sale at work.
2. The last day of my first summer semester for college.
3. (This doesn't truly apply till tomorrow). The end of an 8 day work streak. I can't wait for my day off on Friday.

And now my story. A middle aged man, probably in his late 30's early 40's came through my line today. Well, that's not really where the story starts. I was standing at my register, looking in the other lines to see if there was someone who hadn't already put their items on the belt yet. And I caught this man's eye. He came over into my empty lane and said: "I saw you're beautiful eyes and couldn't resist coming through your line." I had the sudden urge to laugh, but instead smiled, and I think I thanked him. It was by far the highlight of work. It was just so creepy and funny.

My lovely blue eyes:

And I have one last random story. My professor emailed me an awesome e-mail. This made my day.

"You've clearly benefited from excellent home schooling and caring parental oversight. You're a very good writer, Sara. The one point I would like to make, is take time to proofread carefully.

"Occasionally you make a grammatical error that I think you should be able to catch with careful proofing, but you're an impressive writer. I especially like the way you write with character and personality. Keep that up! Congratulations, Sara, you've earned an A in the course."

So I am impressive and have character and personality? I'll take it! Along with that lovely A.

(I think I was super hyper and random when I wrote this)

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