June 2, 2011


A lot has changed in one month. Life can change in the blink of an eye. For better or worse. Mine has definitely been for better.

Not to say my life is perfect. There are lots of things I struggle with. Anger, forgiveness, forgetting what needs to be forgotten, remembering what needs to be remembered. And compassion. Love. Especially towards those certain people....I don't always try as I should, and I struggle with pride. But these are faults that are gonna take years of working on.

For once in my life I'm completely happy. Yeah I get miffed when I'm awoken early, or someone makes me mad at work. But a second later I just think about what I have and smile, and the whole problem just rolls off me. I've been very blessed. I don't deserve any of this. I've done some horrible things, thought some horrible thoughts, broken my Lord's heart, and yet somehow he still finds a love for me, and allows good things to happen to me.

The little things bring more joy now. There's something about having a greater joy that brings out the little happinesses in your life. I laugh a lot more. I smile a lot more. I'm not so caught up in things that I shouldn't worry about. Some might say I'm distracted. But I don't mind. Life is not always good and easy, but it can be fun if you live it with the right people....