June 30, 2010

Thrifty Shopping

Today was definitely full of interesting events. Not to go into too much detail, but we went over to my Grandma's house to meet her new boyfriend.

But that's another story...

The best part of today was our thrift store shopping. I love this sort of shopping, and haven't done it in quite some time. It's a thrill to see something super cute and see your size on the tag. You try to suppress your feeling of excitement as you critically survey the item, trying to spot any holes or stains that will rule out the item as a possibility.

When the item, whether skirt or tank top, passes this first test, you move on to the dressing room, to see that the item actually fits. Sometimes you'll find the skirt doesn't go above your hips, it's too tight. Or that the shirt hangs on your body like drapes, or gives you an unattractive pudge somewhere. And that's when you callously hang the item up and move on to the next one. But that's the thrill of thrift shopping: the knowledge when you slip on the perfect dress or cutest pair of capri's that the chances of it actually fighting you were next to none. It sends a thrill of joy down my spine when I look in the mirror to see the perfect fit.

But then you begin to sweat. You can't remember if you checked the price of this perfect dress or cute pair of capri's. You're scared you picked up the priciest item in the store, and that the only reason it's still out on the racks is because of it's price, not some beautiful gift of God. You steel yourself for the fatal look that will decide the items destiny. Sometimes the answer was not worth the anxiety, and dry throat. But sometimes you drop the item like a hot coal, recoiling form the extravagant sum. And sometimes, the worst times, is when you can't decide. You argue internally trying to rack your brains for all the prices of that particular article of clothing that you've seen recently. You mentally go through you're closet, trying to envision what you would wear with it. Can you really justify your buy? Sometimes you shove it back on a rack and walk quickly away from the temptation. And sometimes, sometimes you clutch it to your heart and resolutely walk up to the register to purchase your new treasure.

Thankfully I did not experience this mental turmoil today. And I was fairly successful in my search.
-A Forever 21, lovely blue top for $8. Most Forever 21 tops were between $15.80 and $27.80 on their website.
-A Kirra (Pac Sun brand)lace camisole for $6. Most of the similar ones were listed for $9.50 and $19.50 online.
-A Derek Heart purple and blue dress. Derek Heart is a Kohl's brand, and most of the similar styled dress on the website were between $36 and $40. I bought mine for $8.
-A beautiful blue Old Navy tank top that was $3.50, originally priced at $8.50. It still had the tags on it.
-And the crowning glory: A pair of Delia's capri's for $6, compared at $44.50 on the website.

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