July 19, 2010


I love that feeling of getting stuff done. It's 2pm, on a Monday, and I have managed to sleep till 10:30, read some chapters of my current book, take an art test (that isn't due till Thursday), eat lunch, take a shower, put makeup on, watch an episode of Remington Steele, and order a refill for my prescription at CVS. And I haven't even gone to work yet. The only other thing that could make this day better would be to get my iPod. But I'm not getting my hopes up. Wouldn't that be the perfect ending though? To come home from work tonight, to find it waiting for me on my desk? But if that does happen, it will most likely happen tomorrow when I get home from work.

Anyway I'm pretty much just rambling. And slightly bored. Having accomplished these things, I have little else to do. And a little less than an hour to kill. I'm reading another Georgette Heyer book at the moment, and I'll probably work on it a bit more. It's a little different flavor from her others, but I think I'm liking it so far. And Remington Steele is slowly coming to an end. I have only a handful of episodes left before the show is finished. I'll miss the silly humor, the quirky characters, and the all the murders. But all good things must come to an end. As must a blog post.

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